Keep your money safe like in a real bank thanks to this superb Electronic Panda Piggy Bank with its beautiful panda print. Only you can access it!
A real safe, you will be able to keep your money safe with this electric money box with this cute panda head. You can slip your bills and change into the slot. Only you have the power to open it with your secret code by pressing the different numbers.
A red or green light will appear and the door will open automatically and you will be able to access your treasure. Moreover, a sweet melody sounds when you put money in it. An essential accessory that will help you save your money.
Characteristics of the Electronic Panda Piggy Bank
• Plastic material• Animal print
• Requires three AA batteries (not included)
• Electric piggy bank with password
• Size: 7.1x7.5" / 13x19cm
• Must not be in contact with water